” The important thing is not to stop questioning

Albert Einstein

Question: What is coaching at Nimaan?

Answer: Every day, we deal with endless drama in life. As humans, we see the world through our model of the world in our minds. Each moment, our brain deletes, distorts and generates information creating a mindset that leads to the way we respond in our lives. Our coaching assists you in creating a growth mindset towards your goal. It is a science-based methodology to transform lives by transforming minds. Some of the techniques in our coaching include Neuro-Linguistic Programming and dynamic coaching style.

Question: Is Coaching a group-based activity?

Answer: No, coaching to drive your personal results needs your vulnerability and honest input. Hence, it is a very private and confidential service to help you make the best of your personality.

Question: Who can get benefit from Coaching?

Answer: Anyone who wants to find some answers in life, wants to set some system in place to get clarity towards their goal. You can be a business owner, an employee, a student, or a parent. Coaching at Nimaan is a transformational journey towards desired success. Book a free strategy session here to discuss more.

Question: At Nimaan, will you tell me what to do in life to achieve my goals?

Answer: Unfortunately, this is the common misperception people have that a coach is a person to make changes in their life. Coaching is a partnership-based journey where the coach shines the light on what you are missing in your sight. At Nimaan, we aim to transform clients to deal with their situations independently and effectively by working on a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Question: When will I see the results?

Answer: If getting a growth mindset in life takes time, achieving results also can take time. You will be able to see the missing piece of the puzzle of your success after the very first session. However, our coaching aims to create permanent changes leading you to your desired goal which will be reflected in your actions.

Question: What if coaching does not work for me?

Answer: Even the world’s top players and corporate leaders have coaches to provide them vision towards success. Coaching works for every human being who is willing to own their life and create a change. At Nimaan, you will be supported with step-by-step techniques and action-plan to be accountable for.

Question: Why should I enroll for the packages instead of single sessions?

Answer: Achieving desired results requires an action-plan and continuous inputs. Only one session is not effective as your goals become ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and you are left at the same place where you started. With a package, you form a habit of new actions and a new mindset. By the end of your package, you are accountable for your actions leading you towards your change.

Question: Why should I pay for coaching services?

Answer: To get some value in life, we pay something in return. This exchange enhances the value of the received service. And when we pay for something, we pay more attention to it. We pay for being entertained, educated, and for using services. Coaching offered at Nimaan will aim you to be at your higher potential, living your best life.

Question: What is the mode of coaching?

Answer: A coaching session can be done over the phone, ZOOM, or in person. To attend a coaching session, all you need to do is, just find a quiet space and relax.

Question: Can I get a refund?

Answer: If you pay for a service but are unable to make it to the appointment, we can offer you other suitable timings. The payments are made on monthly basis. So, If you do not wish to continue with the entire package, you have the option to cancel the package by making a cancelation request here 7 DAYS in advance. If any refund is applicable, it is calculated from the 7th day after the cancelation request is received. You will not be charged for any upcoming session. Click HERE to read our REFUND POLICY.

Question: My question is not covered in the FAQ section. What should I do?

Answer: If your question is not listed, please contact here with your details. We will get back to you in the next 48hrs.